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| create or replace function full_to_half(text) returns text as $$ select string_agg(col, '') from ( select case when ascii(col) >= 65281 and ascii(col) <=65374 then chr(ascii(col)-65248) when ascii(col) = 12288 then chr(32) else col end AS col from (select regexp_split_to_table($1, '') as col) t ) tt; $$ language sql strict immutable;
create or replace function half_to_full(text) returns text as $$ select string_agg(col, '') from ( select case when ascii(col) >= 33 and ascii(col) <=126 then chr(ascii(col)+65248) when ascii(col) = 32 then chr(12288) else col end AS col from (select regexp_split_to_table($1, '') as col) t ) tt; $$ language sql strict immutable;